- The following access qualifications are required: Bachelor’s Degree qualification (EQF level 6)
Made in Italy is an expression that recalls the image of high-quality Italian products throughout the world.
The Enogastronomy traditions are an authentic brand that may symbolise the excellence and uniqueness of the Made in Italy products.
During the course, the following topics will be covered:
- Products and Territories with a geographical indication (GI)(PDO AND PGI, TSG, PAT and SLOWFOOD PRESIDIA PRODUCTS): History, Production, Territoriality; Wines and Territories with a geographical indication (GI, IGT, DOC AND DOCG): History, Production, Territoriality;
- Case Histories of the Study Course on PDO (Protected Denomination Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indications) Products:
- Francesco Nacci, President of the Ceglie Messapica Biscuit Consortium – Slow Food presidium;
- Massimo di Porzio, Vice President of the Vera Pizza Napoletana Association TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed);
- Giuseppe de Martino, President of the Pasta di Gragnano PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Consortium;
- Gaetano Mastrantoni , PAT (Prodotto Agroalimentare Tradizionale – traditional processed agricultural product) Bufala Priverno;
- Nicola Bertinelli, President of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO (Protected Denomination Origin) Consortium
- Ethics and Sustainability: The future of Food&Wine productions.
In addition, students shall learn the principles of ethics and sustainability and product communication and marketing, with references to the Italian food and wine products.
Contattaci o vieni a trovarci in sede per avere maggiori informazioni:
tel.: 0736 096621
Viale L. Luciani 2 (piazzale della stazione ferroviaria), Ascoli Piceno
Dettaglio corso
- Durata 1500 ore
- Livello Tutti livelli
- Lingua English
- Modalità corso On-Line
- CFU 60
- Partecipazione A pagamento